Burning Yourself from Overwork

Farras Raihan Syafiq

Just joking about that brain stuff, back to the article. Your emotions start to swing more and it starts to deteriorate yourself out, you snapped one more at things that aren’t big deal. For example like this, you’re mom open your door room to giving you energy, but you just going angry and pushed her away.

Everyone is going to experience burning themselves out from existence but well… that’s the part of life. If you don’t you’re either perfect or the demon, but i don’t trust that stuff so stay back!!!

Bacaan Lainnya

I’ve been slowly losing my sanity since I was in 7th grade, and that makes me uncomfortable, it’s the type of thing in life that it slowly kills you and you’ll notice that when your insight has already deteriorated by 30% and your sanity status has reached to the maximum level.

Burnout is caused by 3 main variables:
1. Depersonalization, where you don’t feel in control of yourself anymore,
2. emotional exhaustion, and
3. lost a sense of achievement

How do I know this? EXPERIENCE!!!! Also searching for something that I think I’m going to miss one single thing

But after a really long time of feeling very sad in a field, I started to see a counseling teacher at a school. In the first day I came, the teacher asked me some basic situation for getting more about me better.

And she goes to the question “what would you describe your averagely daily schedule to be?” and I was like, alright that’s so simple enough. “well, wake up at 4:45 am, take a shower, praying Subuh at my room, prepare for school, making my bed, eat some breakfast, and go to school at 6:30am.” “okay continue” “go back from school at 3:20pm, go home using Grab Bike, praying Ashar, make my dinner, pray for Maghrib, Praying Isha, do my homework and project’s, and I go to sleep” “and which time is it?” “3:10am in the midnight”

Yeah, I see my influence now, and I still struggle with it but I don’t know why! I’m not just writing this for you, but to myself too, it’s okay to take personal time for yourself okay!

And some of you might be like “I’M TAKE A BREAK WHEN IM DEAD!” and some of it who said that has been already dead and the tombstone message says “all ever did was work and work and work” I asked a bunch of my classmates about overworking and they’re all me like “burnout is torture and can go freaking as such as a Jellyfish”

Their stories constantly make an idea for me to write this stuff here, so to whoever my friends who read it, feel free to suffer from fame. But well, it feels good to be validated to work hard, but there’s a slippery slope there forgetting to keep yourself alive and sane if you’re not careful.

I imagine that after this some of you be like go to your friend’s house who’s overworked, slam their door rooms, grab them outside and screams “Im here to save you from yourself!!!” And they are like “What! We need to study for final exams!!” and you slap them and throw them into their beds and come up with your explanation like “No time!! Take a nap now! A lot of people dropped out from colleg anyways!”

I’m just kidding, schools are so important, but not too important. If you dropped out, don’t use this thing as an excuse to your parents, okay child! But it’s important not to die from burnout or in general! Don’t die!!

And here, don’t do too much of the same thing without sort of change whatsoever, you’re not a mindless working zombie and a hamster ball. Doing the same thing over and over and over and over again is a formula for absolute misery. So imagine you hypothetically enjoy chocolate, but when you eat nothing else except chocolate, you’ll be sick that nauseous feeling and your throat and stomach makes you wanted to lay down and throw up for the rest of the day.

It’s the same thing with anything else. Do more than just work, and eat chocolate hypothetically all the time because, in the end, you’ll be as the same as the person that dies because he keeps saying “I’M TAKING A BREAK WHEN IM DEAD!”
You can create your ideas up when you’re not stressed, sleepy, overworked, sad, tired, and feel like a poop.
But anyways, take the time for for self car and enjoy yoursekf, folks! Thank you for reading.

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